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Dr. Anirban Mitra is an accomplished academic and researcher, currently serving as the Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He completed his Bachelor of Science with honors in Computer Science in 2005, followed by Master of Science in Computer Science and Master of Technology in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Calcutta in 2007 and 2009 respectively. In 2021, he earned his Doctor of Philosophy for his research on "Glaucoma Analysis & Detection from Retinal Images" from the same university.



Dr. Anirban Mitra has received Bachelor of Science (with honors) degree in Computer Science in 2005. He has completed Master of Science in Computer science and Master of Technology in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Calcutta, India in 2007 & 2009 respectively. He is awarded Doctor of Philosophy for his research in the domain of Medical Image Processing from the University of Calcutta in 2021. The topic of his PhD was “Glaucoma Analysis & Detection from Retinal Images”. Currently, He is Head of the Department - Computer Science and Engineering. Since 2009 to 2021, he worked for the Department of Computer Science & Engineering of Academy of Technology as an Assistant Professor. He was also appointed as Vice-Chief-Coordinator for “Lecture Plan Review Committee” of this institute since 2014 to the last date. His research interests cover Medical Image Processing, Geometric Algebra, Cryptography and IOT. He has several conference and journal publications under IEEE, ELSIVIER, SPRINGER and others proceedings on Image Processing, Video Processing and Clifford Algebra. He is a member of IEEE and IEI. Under his supervision a project entitled “A Secured Child Care System Using RFID in IOT”, Project ID: DUG2017031. Funded by IEI, 2017-2018 is successfully completed. He was the Convener of IEEE Third International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology (C3IT-2015). He has conducted the workshop regarding syllabus drafting for the course titled “Web Designing and Development” of UGC sponsored Community College Scheme for Derozio Memorial College. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee Of NumericoInformatic System Pvt. Ltd.

Best Skills

  • Medical Image Processing: Expertise in analyzing and detecting glaucoma from retinal images.
  • Geometric Algebra: Proficient in applying geometric algebra principles in research.
  • Cryptography: Knowledgeable in cryptographic algorithms and applications.
  • IoT (Internet of Things): Experience in developing secure IoT systems, including RFID-based applications.
  • Research and Publication: Author of multiple papers in IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer conferences and journals.
  • Project Management: Successfully supervised projects, including funded initiatives like "A Secured Child Care System Using RFID in IoT."
  • Conference Organization: Organized and convened international conferences such as the IEEE Third International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control, and Information Technology (C3IT-2015).
  • Curriculum Development: Contributed to syllabus drafting for specialized courses like "Web Designing and Development" under UGC schemes.
  • Industry Advisory: Advisory role on the Advisory Committee of NumericoInformatic System Pvt. Ltd., providing insights into practical applications of computer science.